There will never be a second chance to make a first impression. That is why the homepage of the site is rightly considered one of the most important parts of it. If a visitor doesn’t like the view of the homepage, it will simply press the “The Back” button and will forever leave your site, despite all its internal advantages hiding behind the nondescript ceremonial.
What distinguishes a bad homepage from a good one? The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. The homepage should not just be beautiful, it should be comfortable. Therefore, in the creation of a good page will have to invest a lot of work and creativity. However, before we turn to examples, let’s talk about better practices in home page creation.
Home page clearly answers the shopify website design questions “Who are we?”, “What are we doing?”, “How will we be useful to the user?” and so on.
If you are a large and well-known company, like Coca-Cola, then you do not need to explain what you do - everyone knows it. However, such giants in the minority market, and smaller companies need to show the visitor that he “came at the address”. If a person, going to the site, does not understand in a matter of seconds that the company offers, then he will not linger.
The design resonates with the target audience
The homepage should be narrowly specialized: its task is to speak to the right people in a language they understand. In addition, it is worth avoiding corporate abracadabra and unnecessary water.
Homepage contains a valuable offer
In order to keep the visitor on the site, a valuable offer must be presented to him immediately on the main page.
Design optimizes for different devices
All the pages below are convenient to use and do not contain distractions. For example, animation, banners or jumping windows. In addition, most sites are optimized for mobile devices, which in the context of the widespread distribution of the mobile Internet becomes a vital necessity.
The design contains a call to action
Each of the above pages effectively uses the primary and secondary calls to action, such as “buy now”, “instay the free trial”, “lew more”, etc.
Remember: the purpose of your site is to get the user to study and lures the latter into a sales funnel. Calls for action on the site give a potential client clear instructions, not allowing to get confused. Moreover, thanks to calls to action, your homepage will become a tool for increasing sales, and not just be the cover of a brochure.
Design is always changing
The best homepages are not static. They are constantly changing, adapting to the needs, problems and questions of visitors. Many pages also change after alpha and beta tests, and also contain dynamic content (this is when the information shown to the user on the main page changes depending on the changes in the special parameter in the URL).