Tap Into the Power of Remarketing Remarketing ads are one of the most effective ways to improve your relevance and Quality Score and therefore lower your CPCs. Visitors to your website are tagged so you can get in front of them with ads as they move around the Web, browsing sites, watching videos, checking their email, and more. Pauline Jakober shared some good tips recently on optimizing your remarketing campaigns. Focus on Improving CTR and Quality Score for Big Wins on the Google Display Network In a nutshell, a key success factor in Google Display Network advertising is to get a high Quality Score (essentially, a high click-through rate).
You don’t want to pursue a low CTR strategy here; sure, you’ll pay for fewer clicks, but the IT Numbers ones you do get will cost way more! My own research shows that on average, every increase/decrease of 0.1 percent in CTR results in an approximate 20 percent increase or decrease in CPC. See my previous SEW column, “Google Reveals 4 Things You Need to Know About Quality Score,” to learn more about the QS calculation. Keep those objectives in mind as you’re creating and optimizing campaigns. Share your best tips for other readers in the comments! Larry Kim MEET THE AUTHOR Larry Kim Larry Kim is the founder of WordStream and CEO of MobileMonkey, a chatbot building platform.
See other posts by Larry KimJust this morning I was in a photo editing app when I accidently clicked on an ad. What was the ad about? I couldn’t even tell you because I rolled my eyes and killed the web page immediately to get back to the task at hand. Mobile clicks funny gif saying "No you didn't interrupt my instagramming" This happens all the time, and no, it’s not just a case of the “fat finger syndrome.” As frustrating as this is for the user, it’s even more frustrating for the advertiser that’s paying for each and every one of those accidental clicks.