The first are the words that imply an action by the user, and should be transformed into landing pages designed with a lead perspective. The informational keywords, on the other hand, allow you to delve into useful topics and enter into the perspective of the dissection of a specific theme, to provide valuable information to the user.
What now?
Now that you know the difference between the two acomplete list of unit phone numbers main types of keywords, you need to build a mental scheme of everything that the user might need to obtain the information or service they want. Starting from the general keyword, you need to create secondary keywords that provide specifications on the topic that are different from each other and, at the same time, perfectly complementary .
To understand this, you need to take the pulse of the community and identify exactly what people are looking for, their concerns, the needs and requirements they express when they relate to your industry. Are you able to propose content that does not directly promote your product but that allows them to establish a relationship of trust with your platform, indirectly causing an interest in your product? If the answer is yes, you are halfway to finding new ideas and new content for your WordPress blog .