The card is being verified for a long time An example of a card that has been undergoing verification for a long time If a company card is under moderation for more than a week or even a month is not visible to other users then most likely the data in the company card is incorrect. To understand the reasons and speed up the verification you should write to support using this link indicating the company card and the problem. Support will email you any problems related to the card. After all errors have been resolved you must respond to a support message to re-verify your card. company representatives to confirm its placement. There is no Products block in the card Card in GMB with the Products section Card in
GMB with the Products section When creating a Asia Mobile Number List company card in Google Business the Products block is not always present. Even if you select the type of activity Online store this does not guarantee the presence of this block in the card. We contacted support with this problem and found out that this problem is not always solved by changing the type of activity. This may also be due to technical support provided by Google Business. We were told that they are aware of this problem and plan to solve it but there is no exact time frame for solving this problem the
article was written in early April Google My Business support response Google My Business support response If you want to create a Google Business listing for your organization and are having trouble we'd be happy to help! We provide SERM and SEO promotion services within which we work with GMB. Fill out the form and we will contact you Get help from Qmedia Share this articleAt the beginning of March we conducted a comprehensive SEO audit of websites of Minsk companies in the funeral services niche! The sample included sites from the first pages of Yandex and Google search results. After a detailed audit a website SEO optimization rating was compiled.