Only of small businesses benefit from Big Data. And only % of small businesses have technical specialists on staff. There is a long way to go. But it's not all bad news. According to data from the European statistical agency Eurostat we can know the percentage of professionals with digital careers which has come to be call STEM ( Science Technology Engineering Mathematics ). In percentage of professionals per inhabitants with data from the European ranking is l by Ireland.
France Unit Kingdom Finland (. %) and Denmark (. %). with % close to the European average (. %). Digital career profes Phone Number List sional studies digital careers Source: Brand Factory Telefónica Digitization around the world After seeing that the main digital careers appear in all the lists and reports on demand job opportunities and professional future it is worth comparing their weight in different countries.
One way to do this is through the Digital Economy and Society Index ( DESI ). This index analyzes the digital progress of the economies and societies of different countries both European and the rest of the world. Among other parameters it takes into account human capital (digital knowlge) connectivity (bandwidth mobile coverage) the integration of digital technologies and digital public services. In the index these.