After selecting your goals, click Save and Continue to create your ad. Set up a dynamic ad group and add a dynamic ad target Create a dynamic text ad URL and title As you can see in a dynamic search engine ad, you can't set the URL or title. They are dynamically generated based on the title and content on the page the ad is sent to. The ad text and is what appears below the ad title and URL. It is one of the few static elements.
It's worth adding text that's appropriate for dynamic ad targeting. Click Save and Continue to add the newly created dynamic text ad. Create negative dynamic ad targeting for dynamic text ads. If you want to avoid being directed to subpages Job Function Email List for unavailable products, consider content-based ad targeting since these pages are already indexed in. You can do this by adding negative dynamic ads. Goals. Navigate to the campaign.

Where you want to add exclusions. Click Dynamic ad targets and then click Negative dynamic ad targets . Add negative targeting by checking Create site targeting rule . Select Page Content . Enter what the system should search for in order not to display ads on this subpage, such as Out of Stock or Unavailable Depending on the unavailable product, Display Ads are a very convenient display ad format in . To create flexible display.